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Call Us 608-356-3206

Premium Glueless Luxury Vinyl planks are constructed with the patented Uniclic® interlocking joint that locks the planks together to form a tight, durable, water resistant joint. Premium Glueless LVT flooring is installed as a floating floor so it’s quick and easy to install with no adhesive required. All you need is a smooth dry surface and a few basic hand tools.Once the floor is installed it can receive traffic immediately.
- Residential and light commercial applications
- Interior use in enclosed, climate controlled areas
- Do not install over ramps
- Always store and transport cartons stacked neatly on a smooth, flat, solid surface
- Do not stack more than 10 cartons high.
- Acclimate flooring and room at a constant temperature between 65F and 85F for 48 hours prior to, during and 48 hours after installation.Thereafter maintain temperatures between 65F and 85F.
- Mix planks from several different cartons to ensure a random appearance.
- Always allow a ¼” expansion space around the entire perimeter of the room and at all fixtures and pipes.Cover the exposed edges with trim or fill the gap with a high quality silicone caulking.
- Note: All base cabinets must be installed prior to installing flooring.
- Do not install base cabinets or island cabinets on top of the floor.
- Remove all furniture and appliances from the room(s)
- Remove wall and doorway trim
- Undercut door casings
Planks can be installed over a variety of subfloor surfaces including concrete on all grade levels, wood and many existing hard surface floors. The subfloors must be clean, smooth, flat, solid and dry. Do not install planks over floors that are sloped for drainage. Any uneven areas greater than 1/16” in 3’ should be leveled with a portland cement based patching compound. Vinyl tiles are resistant to water damage but they do not prevent the transmission of moisture. Care should be taken to keep moisture from collecting on either side of the vinyl floor to prevent the growth of mold and mildew.
Premium Glueless LVT planks are suitable for installation over double layer wood subfloors that are a minimum of 1” thick, or single layer subfloors constructed with APA rated Sturd-I-Floor panels, 23/32” or heavier. Joist spacing should not exceed 19.2”. Set fasteners 1/32” below the subfloor surface, sand joints smooth and fill holes and gaps wider than 1/8” wide. Install suitable underlayment when necessary to achieve a flat or solid surface. Premium Glueless LVT planks can be installed over underlayment grade plywood, lauan plywood and other underlayments recommended by the manufacturer for use with luxury vinyl plank. Installation over oriented stand board and particle board is not recommended since these panels presents a greater risk of sub-floor instability and can detract from the performance of the floor. Wooden subfloors installed over a crawlspace should have a moisture barrier installed in the crawlspace with at least 18 inches of ground clearance.
NOTE: Avoid subfloors with excessive vertical movement or deflection because subfloor movement will telegraph through to the finished installation. Indications of excessive deflection are subfloor fastener release, squeaking, compromised or sectional contours such as bowing or dipping in floors and uneven flooring material. Nail or screw subfloor panels to secure boards with excessive vertical movement or deflection prior to installation of the Premium Glueless LVT planks. If the subfloor has excessive vertical movement (deflection) before installation of the flooring, it is likely it will do so after installation of the flooring is complete. Our warranties DO NOT cover any problems caused by inadequate substructures or improper installation of said substructures.
Premium Glueless LVT planks can be installed over concrete on all grade levels, if a proper moisture barrier is used. Moisture vapor emissions should not exceed 5 lbs./24 hour per 1,000 sq. when tested with the Anhydrous Calcium Chloride Test in accordance with ASTM F 1869 or 80% RH in accordance with ASTM F 2170 “Standard Test Method for Determining Relative Humidity in Concrete Slabs using in situ Probes. A 6 mil polyurethane moisture barrier should be used with concrete subfloors. Fill cracks; saw cuts and control joints and level uneven areas that exceed 1/16” in 3’. Do not install flooring over expansion joints.
Premium Glueless LVT planks can be installed over a variety of finished floors including single layer resilient sheet floor and tile, ceramic, marble and terrazzo. The surface must be in good condition and show no signs of excessive moisture conditions. Level deep or wide grout lines with embossing leveler. Do not install flooring over heavily cushioned floors or over tile installed over concrete below grade level. The grout joints in ceramic tile and marble must be leveled so they are flush with the tile surface. Additionally the tile may require several skim coats to achieve a flat surface.
Premium Glueless LVT planks can be installed over in-floor radiant heating systems provided the subfloor surface does not exceed 85F at any point. The initial floor temperature should not exceed 70F for 24 hours prior to and 48 hours after installation. Thereafter the temperature should be gradually increased to the desired setting up to 85F. Radiant heating systems that are installed on top of the subfloor surface and covered with self-leveling underlayment are not recommend.
WARNING! DO NOT MECHANICALLY CHIP OR PULVERIZE EXISTING RESILIENT FLOORING, BACKING, LINING FELT, ASPHALTIC “CUTBACK” ADHESIVES OR OTHER ADHESIVES. Previously installed resilient floor covering products and the asphaltic or cutback adhesives used to install them may contain either asbestos fibers and/or crystalline silica. The products in this carton DO NOT contain asbestos or crystalline silica. Avoid creating dust. Inhalation of asbestos or crystalline dust is a cancer and respiratory tract hazard. Smoking by individuals exposed to asbestos fibers greatly increases the risk of serious bodily harm. Unless positively certain that the previously installed product is a non-asbestos containing material, you must presume it contains asbestos. Regulations may require that the material be tested to determine asbestos content and may govern the removal and disposal of material. See current edition of the Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI) publication “Recommended Work Practices for Removal of Resilient Floor Coverings” for detailed information and instructions on removing all resilient covering structures.
- Utility Knife
- Carpenter Square
- Chalkline
- Tape measure
- Pencil
- For best appearance planks should be installed parallel to the long dimension of the room and preferably parallel with outside light sources i.e. windows and doors.
- Determine the layout to achieve the largest cut planks at the walls and snap a chalkline at the starting point.
- Install planks in a random layout (Figure 1A). Start with a whole plank in the left hand corner of the room with the tongue side and end toward the wall. Lay the first row of planks along the chalkline and trim to fit to the wall allowing a ¼”expansion space. Note: If starting the first row with a whole width plank it will be necessary to trim the tongue off against the wall. Always place the cut edge against the wall. To trim planks, use a utility knife and a straight edge. Score the top surface of the plank and flex it downward to separate the pieces.
- Attach the end joints of the planks in the first row. Insert the tongue into the groove while holding the plank at a 20º to 30º angle to the floor. Apply pressure inward and down until the planks lock together (Figures 2A-B). Use spacers between the edge and end of the planks and the wall to maintain a ¼” expansion space.
- Start the second row using 1/3rd of a plank. Place the cut end against the wall. Insert the tongue on the long side of the plank into the groove of the plank in the first row. Hold the plank in a 20º to 30º angle while applying pressure inward and down until they lock together. To complete the second and all successive rows it will be necessary to lock the short end into the previous plank first before locking the long side of the plank. Angle the plank and push the tongue into the groove and adjust it until the tongue locks into place. It may be necessary to lift both planks slightly to lock the joint together. Complete the second row allowing a ¼” expansion space at the cut plank at the end of the row (Figures 3A-E).
- Start the third row using 2/3rds of a plank with the cut end against the wall. Complete each row thereafter using a random layout with end joints off-set by at least 8”. Plan the layout to avoid using small planks (less than 6”) at the walls. The cut piece at the end of the row can often be used to start the next row provided it achieves a random layout. Always place the cut end against the wall and allow a ¼” expansion space.
- Premium Glueless LVT planks are unique in that they can also be installed with a pull bar or tapping block and rubber mallet in difficult areas, such as the last row, and when fitting around door trim. Use a pull bar and rubber mallet to lock the joints together in the last row (Figures 4A-C). Always use a pull bar on the cut edge of the plank. Factory edges can be damaged if the pull bar is used directly against them.
- When fitting around door trim it will be necessary to slide the plank under the trim. This can be accomplished easily by starting the row on the side of the room with the door trim and then sliding the plank into place once it is attached. The row can be completed by inserting the tongue in to the groove or the groove into the tongue depending on the direction. A special Uniclic approved tapping block and pullbar can also be used to lock the joints together while the planks are in a flat position. Use a series of light taps until the joint is gradually locked together (Figures 5A-B).
When the LVT planks are installed in a bathroom the flooring can be laid under the toilet only if the floor is separated from adjacent rooms with a doorway threshold. Otherwise the flooring should be installed around the toilet leaving a 1/8” expansion space. Use a high quality silicone caulking to fill the expansion space at the tub, shower and all wet areas to prevent surface water seepage under the floor.
Premium Glueless Luxury Vinyl Tile is not recommended for use on stairs or steps.
Remove all spacers. Install wall trim lightly over the floor surface. Drive fasteners into the wall and not the floor. When installing doorway transition moldings allow a ¼” expansion space between the edge of the floor and the molding. Do not drive fasteners in to the floor. Return appliances to the room by rolling or sliding over strips of hardboard to prevent damaging the floor.